Friday, February 20, 2015

Inside Out

Yesterday was Baby A's inside out day! At 39 weeks, she's been an outside baby for just as long as she was inside. On Sunday, she'll be turning nine months old. Since I never did get around to sharing any belly photos, here's the comparison:

The 38 week shot is the last one I took since my water broke on the morning I turned 39 weeks. What a difference (almost) nine months makes! I'm still not sure where the time went, I just know that it's gone by way too fast.

What she's up to these days:

  • Tooth #3 just cut through and #4 is not far behind. 
  • Lots of smiles and giggles. She can be so playful and I live for the sound of her laughter.
  • Just started waving and pointing. 
  • She can babble like a champ! She's been saying "mamama,""dadada," and various other sounds for a few months now. Lately, she's been stringing together different syllables but no real words yet. 
  • She does understand some words! This has been so much fun to see. During meals, if I ask her if she'd like some water, she'll either get excited and say "ba!" if she wants to drink or look away if she doesn't. 
  • She knows what to do when we get a camera out. 
  • Loves to look at her reflection in mirrors or screens. 
  • Can sit up, though she hasn't totally mastered pulling herself up to sitting yet.
  • She can stand with support and wants to be on her feet all the time. 
  • She can lift her butt in the air but that's as close as we get to crawling attempts. Why bother when we can stand, right?
There's a HuffPo piece making its way around the internet right now and even though it's a little early, so much of it rings true for me. This part especially, every day:

Sometimes, when we're looking at each other laughing, I also feel the urge to cry, because you must be too good to be true. I never want any of this to end.

This little girl makes my heart so happy, it hurts. 

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